Monday, July 2, 2007

Clear as Mud?


I want to clear something up right away for many of you who probably have the wrong impression of me due to a picture i posted of myself a few days ago. Yes, its the group photo of the moustaches. I have an interesting look on my face as i am leaning over Evan. It is not, as some of you probably suspect, a look of lust over evan, although he does have a particularly thick and wide moustache (you can rest easy tonight renita). There is a simple explanation which i will now share with you. Somebody was holding out a cheeseburger, and if you will take a look at my ponch and roundish face in the picture, cheeseburgers are something that i was quite fond of at the time (i still am, actually, but i have learned to control myself somewhat).

Anyway. I buried the tractor at work today, i was dumb enough to drive it into a peat moss marsh the day after receiving over an inch of rain, and had to walk/jog back to the farm in the blazing sun and humidity. Luckily it was only about a mile away, but i still haven't burned off all of those cheeseburgers, so it was no easy thing. Ken Kornelsen was kind enough to bring out his 4-wheel drive tractor to pull me out, but i guess this means i'll be washing the tractor again.

ho-hum, i'd better go and eat some freezies before lindsey gets them all,

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hey Eric, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on life and stuff. Also, thanks for the clarification about the facial hair; that was very enlightening. Speaking of which, you should check out my blog sometime! Also, I have added you to my blog's links, so expect your site to be overwhelmed with traffic. Adieu my friend,